Simplify your ISP conversion!

Old service providers make leaving their networks hard.

Our mission is simple: We handle disconnection of old service to make customer transitions to new service smoother.

Welcome to ISP Disconnect.

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Our Process

We collaborate with market innovators to provide concierge-level service to customers. During the order process for new ISP service, our Partners refer their customers to ISP Disconnect to collect the minimal required information.

Once customers provide this information, we contact the old ISP to arrange a service request. We coordinate the disconnection, return of equipment requirements, any owed fees, and communicate results to the customer.

Low Code Embeddable Widget

With our embeddable widget, Partners drop a simple call to action and URL into their native Apps, Desktop UX, or email campaigns. We take it from there. When clicked, we’ll expose a simple iframe (customized with your brand, colors, etc) to collect information. We handle the service request process, field edits, communications, and support.

Partners provide a concierge experience to simplify conversion to their service. Customers delight in avoiding old ISP hassle!

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ISP Disconnect approaches our economic structure from a product perspective responding to our Partner’s needs - from bounties to revenue share to wholesale.

Generally, Partners are seeking to facilitate a smooth transition to their servicers and do not directly pass along costs for our concierge service to their customers.